How to Start or Reactivate a Pink Pistols Chapter

Here is what you need to do:

    1. Download and read our Utility Manual.
    2. Create some way for people to find your chapter and learn more about it, such as a web page, Meetup group, etc. Although social media (particularly Facebook) is very popular and nearly all chapters have a Facebook group or page, please have a method for people who don’t use social media to get in touch with you, even if it’s only an email address. We strongly recommend a Linktree page, like the Charlotte chapter has here.
    3. Once you have your online presence set up, please email our National Coordinator here and she will add you to our roster of active chapters.
    4. Start having chapter meetings on a regular basis (about once a month is good, but more can be fun).
    5. Please keep the National Coordinator informed of any significant changes to your group, such as a change in leadership or shutting down.

That’s it! If there’s anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.