Here is what you need to do:
- Download and read our Utility Manual.
- Create some way for people to find your chapter and learn more about it, such as a web page, Meetup group, etc. Although social media (particularly Facebook) is very popular and nearly all chapters have a Facebook group or page, please have a method for people who don’t use social media to get in touch with you, even if it’s only an email address. We strongly recommend a Linktree page, like the Charlotte chapter has here.
- Once you have your online presence set up, please email our National Coordinator here and she will add you to our roster of active chapters.
- Start having chapter meetings on a regular basis (about once a month is good, but more can be fun).
- Please keep the National Coordinator informed of any significant changes to your group, such as a change in leadership or shutting down.
That’s it! If there’s anything we can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.